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My portrait from the photography project 'You Are Not Alone' was selected for the RBSA Summer Show

Wow so what an amazing experience in June, I was overwhelmed that my portrait photograph from my documentary project 'You Are Not Alone' was chosen for the RBSA Summer Show exhibition. I submitted my work from a project I am currently working on called 'You Are Not Alone'. For the competition I only submitted the one image and from 400 artists I was one of the 160 artists chosen to exhibit for the gallery Summer Show. It was the most amazing experience, what was important was that it helped me to reach more people in the community, the comments were amazing from visitors. Visitors expressed how stunning and engaging the portrait was and also how amazing Charly's story is along with how stunning she is. I was excited to tell Charly the comments from the public. You can check out the video from the private viewing:

The article about the show:

People have recently asked if the work can still be viewed, it has sadly finished but I hope to share Charly's story with the community soon. The project 'You Are Not Alone' offers people a platform to express a story or a quote. I hope the project can help many more people to inspire others or to let people know they aren't alone.

I am currently completing this documentary photography project in the West Midlands if any one would like to take part. I can not wait to share more amazing stories and engaging portraits with you all!

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